Sunday, November 9, 2008


Natalia T. wants to start a KNITTING GROUP to make scarves for the homeless this season!

Anybody interested, be sure to talk to Natalia at church next week for the when, where and how!

The socks and gloves collection is going well-- please remember to continue to bring contributions to the bin throughout the cold weather!


::Sylvia:: said...

I'd love to help with this, where can I get details? I'll post about it on my blog as well if you'd like. thanks!!

Donna Farley said...

Sylvia, do we know you? This is an activity of Saint Herman's in Langley, BC, I see your location is in the U.S.? No reason you couldn't do something similar in your own parish, though!

MacrinaQuin said...

For the knitting group, I've created an event on Facebook but dont' have everyone on my list. So please let me know if you are interested in joining us - Sat Jan 24th. Location TBA.

Mat - can you help me be able to post on this blog?

Donna Farley said...

you should get an invite in you e-mail box soon.