Sunday, December 5, 2010

word is...

That the generosity of St. Herman's filled the trunks of those who distributed the warm clothing, blankets, socks, sleeping bags, and useful towels to those on the other end of plenty. Thank you, a thousand times, thank you! And please, keep the these items coming...the winter is only beginning.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cold, very cold...

As noted in the previous post, we are collecting socks and warm clothing for those without these basics. This is expected to be the coldest winter in over 50 years. So not only socks are needed, but scarves, hats, gloves, blankets and towels. Why towels? The homeless are not able to use shower services open to them unless they have a towel. Like socks, they often get discarded as there is no way to clean or dry them once they have become wet and soiled. The bin will be emptied week by week of these items as they are distributed to those in need. Thank you for bringing these warm examples of love of God!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

To warm the body...

As we have in the past, we are again collecting socks and other warm items for those who live without these basic comforts. Those that live on the street do not have the means to wash or even dry the socks so they need them and often. Before the weather even changed, and before the call for these items when out, they were already been brought by those who know how needed they will be. So thank you and please continue to deposit these items into the Diakonia bin set up for that purpose. You will notice that it is not long before the bin is emptied as these items find their way immediately to those in need.

And again, thank you for continuing as well to bring items of food - these too Sunday, by Sunday, are delivered to the food bank for distribution.

"When did we see you, Lord?"