Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Perfect Storm...

For your prayers, there gathers in the east the making of a perfect storm. This is a huge beast, a famine of such magnitude that humanitarian groups have joined forces to try to fight it. The estimated numbers are that there are 20 million people at risk. This storm was created by years of drought, crop failures, climate change, political turmoil. The Canadian government recently (Sept 21/09) announced a contribution of $30 million to the World Food Programme. Here is a website with links to learn more about this human disaster in the making.

Please pray and if you can, give.

Winter approaches....

This weekend is the civic holiday of Thanksgiving. And we with homes and food have much to be thankful for. And we thank God for this daily. Part of this thankfulness is giving to those who do not have such basics. As the first Arctic front descends upon the GVA this weekend, Diakonia encourages you to bring such items as you can for immediate distribution to those on the streets. Please bring socks, hats, gloves, blankets, and even treats that we can in our abundance enjoy at anytime for those who do not have the means to do so.

The Leprosy Mission Canada

Leprosy - also called Hansen's Disease - is an infectious disease caused by a germ. For those at risk, exposure to sneezing and coughing by a person with leprosy can cause the disease to spread. Leprosy attacks the nerves near the cooler parts of the body. When it isn't detected soon enough, those parts lose sensation. Sensory loss often begins in the toes and fingers, the eyes, ears or nose, and leads to blindness, clawed hands, ulcers and shortened limbs. But it can be cured. The Multi-Drug Therapy is a blend of three drugs: Dapsone, Rifampicin and Clofazamine. When leprosy is detected early enough, it can be cured within 6 months to 2 years. Of course, this takes money. And those exposed are very poor. The Leprosy Mission is devoted to ensuring that those who need these drugs, can get the treatment they need. Please read their website located at and see what life changing work a few dollars can bring.