Friday, October 24, 2008

Socks, gloves and goodies!

We continue to collect new socks to be distributed to impoverished and homeless people. As the weather gets colder, please also donate gloves.

Starting in November, we will also be collecting little treats:

  • individually wrapped small candies and chocolate bars

  • cough drops/throat lozenges.

At the end of the month, we will put together goodie bags to be distributed near Saint Nicholas Day. Thank you for your continued support!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Socks for the Homeless

Drove past a lovely park in Burnaby this afternoon on the way to visit a friend in her home. The park was rich with reds and golds in the leaves, and I enjoyed watching people (while carefully watching the traffic) grip handfuls of coloured leaves and take pictures of each other. Everyone was relaxed (it seemed from the distance) and enjoying the early fall afternoon. The weather is changing. Soon I will have to concede defeat and turn on the heat in my apartment. (The bunnies don't mind yet as they have snuggley fur coats.)

Others watching the changing weather may not be so optimistic. In fact, I am sure they are not. They are the homeless. And they will be cold. Diakonia beginning this month and continuing for some time to come, will be try to help in a very small but important way. We will be collecting new warm socks. Homeless people cannot have warm enough feet. And they have no way to wash dirty socks and especially dry them once they are wet and soiled. So they go through a lot of them.

There will be a bin at church
this coming Sunday.

Please give as many as you can. Greg Wright and his faithful crew will be distributing them as much as we can collect. Any extras (wouldn't that be wonderful!) will be added to Christmas goody bags also for the homeless this Nativity.
Thank you for caring, thank you for being members of this ministry, and thank you for spreading the word to those not on facebook.

-- sent by Angelina